Sourdough Starter-- read about it here

This is my first attempt at using Sourdough Starter.

First thing I did was order sourdough starter which was free from Carl Griffith's Oregon Trail Sourdough site. I could hardly believe it was free as nothing seems to be free these days. It came to me a few weeks after I sent them a self addressed envelope.

I went to the Carl Griffith's friends web site and printed off the brochure with the instructions.

I started the reactivation process on a  Friday morning at 8:30 am.
I live in Surrey BC, Canada. The water here does not have much chlorine and it is soft so I just used tap water.

I mixed it up as instructed. The instructions said to leave it for up to 48 hours. I couldn't figure out if that means 48 hours is the optimal amount of time or if the optimal amount of time is shorter than that. I did know it was supposed to be bubbly looking. I put it in the oven with the light on whenever I was home but when I went out I turned the light off. I just like turing everything off before I leave. I checked it many times in the first 24 hours to see what was happening. After many hours I noticed a distinct sour smell and it did have bubbles in it.

Saturday night around 10:30 pm I had been out for the evening and came home to check it. It appeared less bubbly and had a clear liquid on top. I decided maybe I should move on to the second step. Perhaps it was already past the optimal amount of time. I mixed in the ingredients as instructed and left it at room temperature overnight.

Sunday morning mixture was quite bubbly and really quite sour smelling. Around 1:00pm on Sunday it looked like it was starting to form a small amount of liquid on top again.

I stirred the liquid in and used it in a recipe.
After taking some out and using it in the recipe I fed it and put it away in the fridge in a glass jar with a loose cover over it.

Update 3 months later: I am still using the same sourdough starter. It seems to have improved as it has aged. By this I mean that the flavour of the bread I bake seems better.
I keep it in the fridge and feed it about every week or two. It always looks like it has bubbles in it. It often gets a little liquid on top.(Apparently this is called hooch and has alcohol in it. To be expected from the fermentation.)  Sometimes it seems a little thicker than others. That is why when I bake I have to adjust the flour a little as to how the dough feels not just going by measurements.

Feeding it:
I usually bring it up to room temperature first.
one cup of warm water
one cup of flour (I use best for bread flour)
one Tblsp. of sugar

Every once in awhile I add one Tblsp. potato flakes. (I just have a box of plain instant mashed potatoes on hand) I have added this twice now in the last three months.

Every once in awhile add one Tblsp. of dark rye flour when feeding the sourdough starter. (Use 1
Tblsp. less of the other flour when doing this.) I have done this about once a month.

Instructions said to add a Tblsp. of apple cider vinegar if the sourdough starter looks sick. I don't really know how it would look if it was sick so I have never done this. Maybe sick sourdough starter no longer has bubbles in it. (I am guessing)

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